Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Referral is...

Waiting for a referral is a lot like visiting an amusement park.
Some days, you're on the Lazy River and you don't really stress over it much.
That's when you're trust in God's timing is at an all-time high.
Other days, you're on Diamondback, except you never get off and you just keep going over that huge hill and then back up again.
I'd say you're trust in God's timing is at an all-time low on those days.

A few weeks ago we received an email from our case manager telling us of a little seven month old boy in Ethiopia who was very underweight due to severe malnourishment.
He had been declined by two families already due to concerns over development.
Our case manager was emailing all of her waiting families to see who would be willing to even consider him.
We said we would...
Then she said that other families ahead of us had said they would too, so we'd see what happened.
Either we'd hear another family had accepted him or she'd refer him to us.

Of course a lot of thoughts and emotions went through our heads. Is this the boy God has chosen for us?
What does it say about us if we decline him?
It's a lot of stuff to think about and pray about.

It made me think...Am I really willing to help the "least of these"? Am I really willing to have my comfortable life made less comfortable?

We finally decided that we would definitely consider him and see how God directed us.

Several weeks went by and I began to think of how sad it was that he had probably been declined by other families.
And how thankful I was that I didn't have to be perfect for God to choose me. I didn't have to be the right weight or height.
I didn't have to have the right amount of intelligence or meet all the developmental achievements for my age group.
He just chose me.

Then...we heard that a family had accepted him!
We rejoiced (though I was a little disappointed that he wouldn't be mine) that he had found a family and would be moved to the transition home where he could receive better medical care and enough food.

And...we're back to waiting, but you know Abraham and Sarah waited a REALLY long time for their promised child, so what's a few months or a year?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boys from Ethiopia

Last Friday, J.O. and I had a playdate in Louisville with my friend's kids. She and her husband recently brought home their little boy from Ethiopia. He's now five and a LOT of fun. I think I had as much fun as John Owen.

Here they are playing in the sandbox. I don't have a picture of John Owen throwing sand in my friend's little girl's eyes.  (He really knows how to pick up the ladies!)

My friend's son, Hooper was "helping" me take pictures of all the fun they were having.

Betcha didn't remember how much fun playing in sand could be?! They all had a great time!

Hosanna's caught on that I'm taking pictures and she isn't too sure if she wants to be photographed. This is before J.O. threw sand in her eyes.

We are still waiting for our sweet boy from Ethiopia to be home with us.
This morning as Zack prayed for us, he asked the Lord for our boy to be in our home. 
Things are not great in Ethiopia right now. I know that's easy for us to forget because it's so far away from us and it's not like it's on the news, but many people are hungry and many children are without moms and dads and the orphanages are overcrowded and understaffed and there's just not ENOUGH money.

But God is aware of all of this and He is in control.

Besides today is ONE day closer to the day when we bring our boy home! (That's something to be excited about!)

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Long Time...

It's been a while, but here goes an update.
We enjoyed Halloween with our little football player.
John Owen especially enjoyed getting so much candy.

He didn't enjoy all the walking through our neighborhood, though.
By the end of our trek through our neighborhood he had a bucket full of candy.

We missed Thanksgiving due to the stomach virus that hit all three of us.
I did set a nice table before I got sick though.
It was pretty to look at.
We also visited Santa. John Owen hates Santa and always cries, but this really does bring a lot of joy to Zack and me. We are those weird parents who enjoy the crazy reactions of our kids.
This is probably my favorite picture of J.O.  No need to worry though. As soon as the picture was snapped, he dried his tears and was his jolly (pun intended) self.

I also did a few photo shoots for some friends. I really do enjoy taking pictures of people. It's just plain fun for me.

The photos below are of some of the cutest kids around and the most fun to shoot.

Aren't they adorable?
That's part of what we've been up to.
I'll post more later so I don't overwhelm you!
We're still waiting for a referral!
Sometimes patiently, sometimes not so much, but always trusting that God's timing is
absolutely the best!