Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Letter to John Owen

Today you are four! Four is a good age, a fun age. You are already an incredible little boy and everyday I catch glimpses of the man you'll be one day. You LOVE to talk and make jokes. You love to "play pretend". Sometimes I stand back when you don't know I'm watching and take in your imagination and creativity. You are shy sometimes, but you love people. You are determined and no never means no to you. It means find some other way. This can exasperate me sometimes, but I know that one day this determination will serve you well.
You love music. You already are selective in your choice of music. I like that about you.
You are rambunctious and loud and don't really have an inside voice. Even your laugh is loud, but mine is too, so I understand.
You are a lot like me. I see myself in you. We look a lot alike. You have my eyes and a lot of hair like me and I'm already starting to see a spattering of freckles on your face and arms. But you're like me on the inside too. We not quitters. We don't give up.
I see your dad in your easy smile and love of big groups of people. The more the merrier, right?
You are perceptive even at four. You notice things that even "big" people don't.
I never know what you're going to say. You are such a thinker and have so many words and SO much to say.
You are a special young man and I know God has a purpose and plan for your life. I see so much in you. You are my glimpse of your sister and what she might have looked like or been like. I see her in your eyes and your hair and the freckles on your face.
You are a great big brother. You love James even when he "frusterates" you. I love the way his eyes light up when he sees you. You have loved him well and that shows.
You are a helper by nature. You help with everything and mostly enjoy doing so.
You will do great things. You will make a mark in this world.
As I prepare for your birthday today, my chest tightens as I think of how quickly these years have passed. You love being with me now. You choose to be with me over anything else, but this momma knows that will change one day as it should. I cherish every minute I have with you even the hard ones. You are a precious gift to me, one that I hold with an open hand because you are not mine. You belong to your Creator. I pray everyday that I'm allowed to see you grow up into a Godly young man.
You really are our sunshine. You make me laugh more than anyone else. I love you dearly.
My prayer is that this year of being four is one full of more "play pretendin'" and race car racing and cupcake, doughnut makin'.
I am blessed.

Friday, August 2, 2013

86 miles

I like to run. 
I run a lot. 
Not a lot like these ultra runners, but I logged 86 miles in the month of July. I impressed myself. Sometimes though being a runner and being a M.O.B.-- mother of boys don't flow cohesively. 
Enter this bad boy--the stroller not the baby. 
I snagged it today from my new friend Jennifer, whom I just met when I bought this stroller from her today in the parking lot of Panera in Brannon Crossing. I paid 50 bucks and walked or better ran away this little piece of running freedom. 
Obviously my awesome husband accommodates my running or I wouldn't have logged 86 miles this month, but this blessed little (large) thing gives us all a little freedom and lets my boys have a little fun riding along on my runs. 
I know life is compared to a race. And what's important is that we run steady and that we finish well. Life has felt like a sprint lately and it's seemed to fly by at locomotive speed. 
I learn a lot about motherhood, life and this thing called adoption every day. Sometimes I miss the lesson because I'm caught up in the busyness of the day. Sometimes the lesson is tattooed into my brain. I'm thankful for the toughness of life because I learn so much more about God and what it means to live in obedience. 
It's Friday! I'm letting the lessons sink in and rejoicing in the addition of a new to me jogging stroller and a new friend!
I am blessed. 
I do nothing to deserve it. 
Can I get an amen?!
Enjoy your weekend!