But first I will lament. (Humor Me)
Today is the official due date for Ella Grace Thurman.
But there will be no delivery today.
There will be no newborn cries.
No pink and white dress.
No polka dots or balloons announcing her arrival.
I will get no epidural.
I will not push or be prepped for another c-section.
There will be no congratulations.
John Owen will not wear an "I'm the Big Brother" shirt.
There will be no wrinkled pink skin
Or eyes to wonder at their color.
Today will just be---silent.
BUT (And I wish I could proclaim this "but")
I will lament no longer.
Someone said (today actually) that when we obey God, we see Him.
Today I remember the supernatural, large, incredible, indescribable
I experienced during my pregnancy with my daughter.
Today I rejoice at the greatness of God
At His reality
At His realness
At His mercy
At His truth
At His kindness
At His glory
I received a knowledge of our Creator, of the great Conductor of Life when He first formed
my daughter in my womb, revealed the knowledge of her birth defect and eventually called her back to Himself that I did not have before.
Nor could I have this knowledge without the deep, deep, deep, deep pain of hearing your daughter will die, praying, no begging that she be healed, and then hearing silence as an ultrasound tech listens for a heartbeat.
There are no mountaintops without valleys.
Some valleys are deeper than others.
But there is sweet, sweet knowledge of our Savior to be acquired for those willing to keep their eyes
open to the pain and see the Father through it all.
God does what God does for His glory.
I rejoice that He chooses to use me.
For my daughter, Ella Grace Thurman, September 30, 2010