Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Big Fat Paper Chase

That's what adopting is...


But a worthwhile one.

It actually helps with the waiting--chasing papers.

If you keep up with us on Facebook then you probably heard about our first home visit with our homestudy provider.

Let me just say...Toddlers are unpredictable.

John Owen definitely stole the show and probably gave the kind woman a reason to scratch her head wondering about those crazy Thurmans!

He walked into the kitchen with batteries in his mouth, something that he's never done.

Then he decided to show off how he could stand up on the ottoman.

Of course then he had to prove to us all that he really could scream loud enough for our friends in Europe to hear him.

But then he redeemed himself when he proceeded to show her every room in our house as if he were a real estate agent. (It's amazing how observant he is.)

All in all our home visit went well.
It made me more excited to be on this journey
And...gave me even more paperwork to chase.

But in the end I'm really chasing to bring my boy (or girl or both or two of each or who knows) home.

The chase is more than worth it.

Now on to business.
You can now buy my purses directly from me.
Just message me if you're interested and I can deliver it to you!

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