Our Posture Is Our Response:Why Women Must Speak Up About Women Being Drafted
One Destination Is Reached By Leaving Another
We have not arrived at this new destination by accident or happenstance. We began this journey many decades ago when women bought the idea that they were being oppressed. In reality, they were being oppressed in many ways. They did not have the right to vote or own property. They were thought of as not as intelligent or not as valuable---all ideas and realities that still exist for many women in other parts of the world today. But two wrongs never make a right. The response was a swinging of the pendulum so far to the extreme that we are now left with the over-sexualization of women, the systemic killing of female babies, the transformation of the woman into a feminine version of a man and now, the proposed threat of our daughters and grand-daughters being drafted into military service.
Perhaps somewhere, we, as women, began to believe that we were being mistreated or belittled or held back. Perhaps we felt the desire to be as good if not better than our counterparts rise up inside of us and we gave in to it instead of resisting it. Perhaps, somewhere along the way, we've allowed what it means to be a Godly woman get distorted and muddled and I think we have. We've allowed an ever-changing culture define who we are instead of the Word of God.
In The Beginning...
In the beginning, God created man and then He created woman. His creation of our lives was not haphazard and without design. David writes in Psalm 139:13-16 of the intricate ways in which God formed him. If we apply this idea to all of creation, and I do, then each of us was created in a unique and intricate way. The creation of woman was not an afterthought on God's part. When God finished His creation, He found it all to be good, and He found man and woman to be very good. Somewhere along the way we've allowed the lie that this secondary creation somehow means women are less important or of less value, as if we've fought all these years to prove that we are what we are already seen as in the eyes of our Father---very good.
But our first error is finding what God sees as very good lacking or not good at all. When God created man and woman, He created them with purpose, a unique purpose. His design is best. Since the first sin in the Garden of Eden and the subsequent curse of woman desiring her husband's place, we have warred against the created order established by the Creator, God. We began from this destination and arrived at the first wave of feminism in the nineteenth century with the second wave hot on its heels.
Many things have transpired since the first rumblings of feminism in this country. Many wars have been fought in this country and the woman's place in the U.S. military has evolved until we have arrived at this place, this destination. But where we go from here is of the utmost importance, most especially to women.
Our Posture Is Our Response
Our posture cannot be one of apathy or disregard. Our posture cannot be one of focusing on a single issue that is at the forefront presently. We cannot just fight against women being drafted, we must fight against women being so transformed and morphed that they no longer resemble God's original design. We, this generation of women, must have a posture of submission to God's created order.
We must know the truth and understand that we are created of equal value but for different roles. Each role is of great value and seen as very good to our Creator.
Our posture must be one of submission to God recognizing that being what God created us to be is not a blanket statement saying we aren't as good, we aren't as strong, we aren't as smart. There are jobs that I can do better than a man, that perhaps I'm better qualified for, but does that job help me fulfill my created role is a questions I must always ask. There are jobs that aren't ours for the doing and there are roles that aren't ours for the taking. God's design is always best. And our primary purpose is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. We glorify Him when we are obedient to His Word and we enjoy Him when we embrace who He created us to be instead of railing against it.
I am most fulfilled when I am most satisfied with my Creator, with my Lord. I am most dissatisfied when that relationship is out of kilter. We will always battle the desire inside of us to rule over our husbands, to be the boss, but we must take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God and we must fight and fight hard. We must fight for ourselves. We must fight for our sons to be allowed to fulfill the role they were created to fulfill. We must fight for our daughters to be who God created them to be in the roles that best help them do that. We must fight, armed with the truth of God's Word and we must so do daily by embracing who we are in Christ. We must fight to arrive at a different destination than the one our culture is propelling us toward.
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