Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Perspective

Originally Published November 7, 2010

I was thinking life is very different for me.
I used to be a teacher in a public school.
Now, I'm not.
That's weird to me.
But it's kind of nice to not live my life according to a bell schedule.
This January Zack and I will be married four years. Doesn't seem like it.
Sometimes it seems like only yesterday that we got married (and then got very sick) and then sometimes it seems like we've always been together. (I know you can relate.)
And then I think about the month of May and how different I was then. I looked at life differently. Had a different perspective.
I think things used to frustrate me more then and now those things don't seem to bother me.
A lot of things that used to be so important, just aren't anymore.
For example, I used to care that my kitchen stayed dirty. Now, I'm thankful I have people to get my floor dirty.
I used to care that my house was cluttered. Now, I'm glad it's cluttered and toys and shoes and socks and Diet Mountain Dew cans are everywhere.
I just pick it all up and go about my day.
I guess it's my new perspective. Those things just aren't as important.
It's more important that each day I glorify God, which I'll be the first to say I fail at most days.
I usually get short or sarcastic with someone or don't love people like I should. Or even worse, I get caught up in meaningless things and waste time.
And time is so precious.
I think I like this new perspective. I like going to the grocery store and not getting frustrated because people block the aisle with their cart, but stopping and waiting and watching them, wondering about their life story.
I want to know people now. Before I wasn't that interested in knowing people or meeting new people. I was more interested in completing my tasks and accomplishing what I wanted for the day.
I like where I am. I have a peace about life that I didn't have before (not that I was a worrier, but it's just different now). I still have struggles and fears that I have to give to God everyday, but life is different.
I'm different.
It still hurts sometimes.
I was flipping through my calendar on my phone yesterday and I flipped all the way to February and then stopped there when I remembered that February was the month that Ella Grace was due. I felt sad, but then quickly remembered that God knew best.
You know, we're all on our own unique journey. It's easy to begin to compare suffering and trials and think that one person's trial is greater than another's. And maybe sometimes it is, but we all have our "things", our burdens, our sorrows.
I hope I love people better.
I hope I recognize people's suffering and trials. I hope I help my brothers and sisters in Christ carry their burdens.
I hope I always point people to Christ.

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